I’ve been gone…

Actually, I’ve been right here. At home. In town. Not walking across Spain…or any other delightful place. But mentally I’ve been away. My father died last week. He started to get seriously ill last fall and declined swiftly until I crossed my fingers he wouldn’t die on Christmas. Then time stood still while my father … Continue reading I’ve been gone…

Things That Stay the Same

“The more things change, the more they stay the same.” This quote seems to have limited application outside of a few things: mental health…war…societal structures…the human condition… and…OK, a lot of things. It also applies to some of the pages of the new version of my graphic novel. In a few cases, pages are going … Continue reading Things That Stay the Same

The Milky Way X2

Luis Buñuel’s film, The Milky Way, influenced my desire to walk the Camino. His two drifters take a surreal walk, through time and place, that sparked my imagination and made me aware of the Camino as a viable route, not merely a historical curiosity. (I haven’t been under a rock. I saw The Milky Way years … Continue reading The Milky Way X2

Which Way to Go?

Where have I been? Which direction am I going? Why haven’t I been blogging? The answer is re-write, re-write, re-write! I’m pleased to say my re-write has been flying along.  When I first decided I needed to do a major overhaul–and add myself into the story more (other than physically moving through space as a … Continue reading Which Way to Go?